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Optimal cellular communication.

Exosomes are tiny lipid bubbles known as extracellular vesicles released by cells, including stem cells. Exosomes facilitate the transport of genetic materials and proteins to other cells, playing a crucial role in ensuring optimal cell-to-cell communication. This process is pivotal in instructing recipient cells on their function and response timing, especially in the regulation of physiological activities and adaptation to environmental changes. Exosomes travel through the bloodstream and are capable of crossing the blood-brain barrier to reach the target cells in the brain.

The primary function of exosomes is to promote communication between cells that are impaired, often due to aging or cell death, by delivering vital information necessary for cellular function and coordination. Stem cell-derived exosomes are preferred in regenerative therapy because they possess the beneficial properties of stem cells, such as facilitating cellular repair and regenerative processes, without posing the risks associated with stem cell transplantation.

The use of stem cell therapy gained momentum in the early 2000s. Adult stem cells are typically used, most commonly mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), which travel to and repair the areas of the body affected by disease or damage.

It eventually became clear that adult stem cells rarely facilitate the growth of new tissues. However, their role in cell signaling is highly crucial. It is posited that the body contains cells capable of healing but they require proper signaling to activate them. Research now indicates that exosomes play a vital role in facilitating this communication from stem cells to the necessary repair sites in the body.

Exosomes can influence how cells behave and react. Due to their unique structure, they transport messenger RNA (mRNA), proteins, and other molecules between cells. The mRNA within exosomes, for instance, supplies cells with necessary genetic instructions, thereby directly influencing the cells’ behavior. As a result, exosomes help mediate potent physiological effects, such as quelling inflammation, preventing the formation of scar tissues, and supporting healthy immune responses.

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Exosomes Therapy